surviving salads and saturdays

This morning I woke up and decided I had way too much to get done with a dog around. I dropped Lucy off at doggie daycare. The benefit of doggie daycare goes far beyond the 6 hours that she is actually playing. She comes home exhausted, and I don’t have to take her for a walk or play outside. I know those things are part of dog ownership. I’m thankful for the walks we get to take together, and I smile a lot when I watch her run towards me with her ball in her mouth and her fur slicked back against her face in the wind, but the break today was really nice. Also, she LOVES to play with other dogs, so it’s a win-win. Here she is currently as her tired self:


I came home to do laundry, clean, cook, go to the grocery store, and pay bills, and surprisingly had some good phone conversations with friends.

The last item on my to-do list was to cook dinner. I drew a sad face next to it because I always think that I’m not going to like cooking, and then I get started and the process isn’t so bad. Someone asked me today why I was doing the Whole30 challenge, and I told them I had gotten really used to eating out of convenience…grabbing a cheese-stick, ordering Panera for lunch, cooking a frozen meal for dinner. Even though I was eating gluten free, I was eating a lot of junk and convenience foods. It’s embarrassing to type that out. Needless to say, it’s taking some effort to change my lifestyle and cook my meals.

I wish I had a picture of what I made tonight for dinner, because it was really good. I consumed a good amount of protein earlier today, so at dinner time I stocked up on veggies. I made a salad with mixed greens, tricolor peppers, different types of olives, avocado, and red wine vinegar. Then I sliced a sweet potato and broiled the slices (both sides) in the oven with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Delicious.

Since I don’t have pictures of my dinner, here are some pics of what my fridge and pantry looked like yesterday. I know, sooo interesting. I didn’t bother taking a pic of my fridge before I started the Whole30 challenge because I woke up, decided I was doing it, and immediately started throwing things in my fridge away. They say preparation is key, but I dove in on adrenaline. I’ll be sure to take a pic at the end of this whole shindig as well. Some of the these items already got thrown away today. I was holding on for sentimental value, and in the thought that I would eat them after the 30 days were over, but I changed my mind today. I am just feeling so much better! I’ll be getting rid of the hot chocolate mix, too, because I’m making the switch to 100% cacao bars and powder. Stick with me here. I know these pics aren’t amazing, but I’m keeping it real. This is all part of the process.




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